Minutes and By-laws
OkCTEEC Annual Business Meeting
OkACTE Oklahoma Summit
August 2, 2019
11:45am – 1:00pm
Minutes: Coming Soon
(Revised June 2019, Approved by Executive Board June 2019)
Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council (OkCTEEC), an affiliate organization of the Administrative Division of the Oklahoma Association for Career and Technical Education (OkACTE).
The purposes of this organization are to promote and support post-secondary and technical education; to support equitable and full participation of all students and employees in post-secondary and technical education; to encourage professional growth and development of the members; to serve in unification to CTEEC as a professional affiliate and forum for the exchange of ideas and information on equity issues; to promote communication and linkages between post-secondary education, technical education, and leaders of business and industry that will enhance the success of displaced homemakers, single parents, single pregnant women, nontraditional students, at risk females, pregnant teens and teen parents; and to support the goals/objectives of the Administrative Division of the Association of Career and Technical Education, and the Oklahoma Association of Career and Technical Education (OkACTE) in the following ways:
a. increasing the effectiveness of post-secondary and technical education through focusing on high expectations and full participation for all students and employees in
career and technical education;
b. promoting continued research and resulting strategies in post-secondary and technical education and education equity; developing leadership in post-secondary and
technical education and educational equity;
c. participating in professional development for continuous program improvement;
d. cooperating and working with all post-secondary and technical services and organizations;
e. working with the OkACTE Administrative Division and the other affiliates/members of
OkACTE; and
providing advocacy for equity issues within the larger post-secondary and technical
education community
A. Eligibility for Membership:
Membership in this organization is open to individuals who are members of OkACTE and who are (1) actively involved in post-secondary and technical education equity efforts; (2) actively involved in post-secondary and technical education; (3) interested and supportive of post-secondary and technical education professionals; and (4) others interested in equitable post-secondary and technical education.
B. Classification of Members
1. Staff member – Affiliate: Members of OkACTE who (a) promote post-secondary and technical education equity and/or (b) are responsible for administration, supervision, coordination of post-secondary and technical education or is in a professional staff position of equitable post-secondary and technical education at the local, state or national levels.
2. Friend of OkCTEEC – Associate: Individuals or corporations interested in the position of equity in post-secondary and technical education and the labor market.
3. Honorary - Life Member: who have distinguished themselves in the promotion of equity programs and post-secondary and technical education.
C. Procedures for each Classification of Members
1. Staff member Affiliates: entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council, Inc. (OkCTEEC) committees.
2. Friend of OkCTEEC Associates: non-voting members who can attend meetings, workshops, and serve on committees; associate members cannot hold elective offices.
3. Honorary Life Members: entitled to vote, hold office, and serve on the Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council, Inc. (OkCTEEC) committees; will be exempt from payment of dues. Nominations for honorary memberships shall be submitted to the Executive Board at least 60 days prior to the OkCTEEC annual meeting and shall be awarded based on a majority vote of the affiliate membership.
4. Membership year shall extend from July 1 through June 30, regardless of when the dues are paid.
A. Officers
Officers shall be affiliate members and shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, with terms commencing at the close of the OkCTEEC annual meeting which is held concurrently with the annual OkACTE Oklahoma Summit.
B. Terms of Office
The President and President-Elect will serve for a term of two years.
The Secretary will serve for a term of two years commencing odd-numbered years.
The Treasurer will serve for a term of two years commencing on even-numbered years.
The Past-President will serve for a term of two years.
C. Duties of Officers
Officers may conduct business on behalf of the membership of the Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council, Inc. (OkCTEEC) between annual meetings.
1. The President shall preside over the annual meeting and shall represent the Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council, Inc. (OkCTEEC) The President will chair the Program of Work Committee/Making It Work Day. The President will attend the ACTE National Conference per OkACTE Administration Division by-laws.
2. The President-Elect shall assist the President and serve in the absence of the President. This individual will attend the ACTE National Conference as voting delegate on the Legislative Committee for OkACTE.
3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of all meetings and ensure minutes are posted to the OkCTEEC website.
4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial transactions of the Council. This person shall also be responsible for having financial records reviewed by an outside entity prior to relinquishing those records to the next Treasurer.
5. The Past-President shall serve as a mentor to OkCTEEC officers.
D. Election of Officers
1. Voting: A mail or email ballot shall be provided by the President or President Elect with a write-in option. The ballot shall be disseminated at least 30 days prior to the OkCTEEC annual meeting. In order to be counted, ballots must be received by a date to be determined by the President.
2. Nominations: Those nominated shall be President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The office of President will be filled by the President-Elect. The office of Past-President will be filled by the President.
3. Vacancies: The filing of vacancies in the position of Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer will be by appointment of the President.
E. Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Past President, who serves as an ex-officio member of the Board for two years immediately following his or her term as President.
The Executive Board will be responsible for call for nominations, by-laws, membership, legislative updates, ACTE updates, public relations, awards, ad hoc in addition to the Program of Work event. Duties of the Executive Board will be delegated by the President and President-Elect.
F. OkACTE Policy Committee
The President shall represent OkCTEEC on Policy Committee of the Administrative Division of OkACTE. Other representation made possible by expanded membership will first be filled by the President-Elect; other representatives will be appointed by the President as needed.
Committees shall be appointed from the eligible membership of the Council by the President. Standing committees shall include:
A. Program of Work Committee a.k.a. Making It Work Day Committee Chairman is appointed by the Executive Board.
The annual meeting of OkCTEEC shall be held concurrently with the annual summer conference of OkACTE, also known as Oklahoma Summit, at which the business of the organization will be conducted.
A. Proposed amendments shall be in the hands of the President, and will be reviewed by the Executive Board and disseminated to the membership.
B. Proposed amendments will be approved by the Policy Committee of the Administration Division of OkACTE prior to a vote by OkCTEEC members.
C. Changes to the Bylaws as recommended by the OkCTEEC Committee shall be approved by a majority vote of the affiliated members by ballot, email or fax.
Upon the dissolution of the Organization, the governing body shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, distribute assets for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the District Court of the county in which the principal office of the Organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Updated the revision date June 13, 2019
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